U.S.G.A. GHIN Handicap Fee - $35

Please Note - U.S.G.A. indexes are updated daily

This page will only be updated weekly on Sundays

Check your GHIN account for your most current index

**Attention GHIN Members**

Scores need to be posted the same day as play, and if not possible, ASAP thereafter. Any player failing to post a score, will be assessed a penalty score. Please be sure to post your scores.

Our GHIN computers are located in the Clubhouse, and now also in the Pro Shop.
Posted 7/21
GHIN # Golfer Name H.I. Blue
11031044 Eric Ahl 33.5 36 34 28
10536966 Dave Andersen 6.0 6 5 1
12434640 Matt Andersen 17.8 19 17 13
11094529 Bud Arp 10.9 12 10 6
12286975 Garrett Bailey 34.2 37 35 29
10537069 Jim Bailey 10.9 12 10 6
11330920 John Bajorek 26.4 29 26 21
2161164 Shawn Baldensperger 10.7 11 10 5
10868558 Boony Bennett 21.3 23 21 16
2966917 Craig Bennett 3.7 4 2 +2
10868559 Jeff Blair 16.2 17 16 11
10868560 Joe Blair 13.2 14 12 8
12469415 Jonathan Blair NH      
10891502 Mark Borger 20.7 22 20 15
10537104 Jim Borst 18.6 20 18 13
11739872 Steven Brown 25.7 28 26 20
10537018 Scott Campbell 6.9 7 6 2
11576372 Jonathan Carlson 31.0 34 31 26
12197303 Brent Casey 30.8 33 31 26
11313378 Carter Cerra 9.2 10 8 4
10537052 Randy Christensen 26.5 29 26 21
10936699 Taylor Christie 16.9 18 16 12
10329809 Michael Cole 13.9 15 13 9
10536962 Mark Crossley 13.7 15 13 8
12197352 Troy Darr 38.8 42 39 34
10868706 Dan Dart 22.2 24 22 17
10964166 Richard Davis 13.6 15 13 8
12273710 Landon Douvlos 16.3 18 16 11
10377543 Jeff Eaton 5.0 5 4 0
10536963 Rick Eaton 10.8 12 10 6
11442809 Joe Ely 16.3 18 16 11
12254400 Terry English 14.5 16 14 9
10537106 Bob Fellows 11.0 12 10 6
11315190 Matthew Garrett 14.8 16 14 10
12279954 Michael Garrett 18.6 20 18 13
10964522 Andy Gray 9.6 10 9 4
10979198 Dan Gray 16.2 17 16 11
11760808 Jim Griffin 31.3 34 31 26
10537121 Don Hardy 22.8 25 23 18
10867611 Mike Hawley 11.3 12 10 6
11750925 Bill Hawthorne 41.6 45 42 36
10537085 Ron Heinrich 6.5 7 5 1
12433872 Jack Hellman NH      
10536992 Phil Heubach 14.9 16 14 10
10536981 Steve Hoden 12.8 14 12 8
2700171 Tim Holter 6.9 7 6 2
12197294 Joe Hudson NH      
12278622 Bob Hunter NH      
11313391 Tom Jensen 27.9 30 28 23
11328995 Byron Jespersen 17.3 19 17 12
12376053 Brad Johnson 21.4 23 21 16
11760798 Dick Jones 19.4 21 19 14
11030632 Justin Kell 14.0 15 13 9
12240142 Shawn Kirsch NH      
12278619 Mark Kulka NH      
10886411 Dick Lauffenburger 17.2 19 17 12
10886404 Jesse Lauffenburger 31.2 34 31 26
2183946 Brendan Lawrence Lobdell 13.3 14 13 8
11358718 Marc Lytle 22.8 25 23 18
10536984 Sam Marek 7.3 8 6 2
10537023 Joe Marino 17.5 19 17 12
1218716 Jeff McClement 13.8 15 13 9
11761129 Ron McClement 19.3 21 19 14
10536974 Jim McMillen 25.9 28 26 21
11097971 Dan Merenick 14.4 15 14 9
10536972 Fuzzy Merenick 15.7 17 15 10
10537045 Terry Moldovan 10.0 11 9 5
1969896 James Monaghan 17.4 19 17 12
12197361 Andrew Moore 14.5 16 14 9
12197311 Brian Moore 9.9 11 9 5
12278625 Aidan Morrison 18.3 20 18 13
10950733 Ted Morrison 27.4 30 27 22
12286973 Craig Mullen NH      
12354666 Drew Neel 13.6 15 13 8
10908207 Scott Neiswonger 18.2 20 18 13
10961314 Rick Nowacki 17.9 19 17 13
11016721 Fred Nuhfer 17.4 19 17 12
10537021 Ryan Nuhfer 11.4 12 11 6
1229913 Scott Olson 12.1 13 11 7
12197356 Chris Park NH      
11369973 James Parsons 20.7 22 20 15
10536967 Dan Passmore 5.1 5 4 0
11849881 Micah Passmore 7.0 7 6 2
2981442 Joseph Pellegrino 11.0 12 10 6
10537108 Bill Petransky 9.3 10 8 4
11763709 Todd Phillips 25.7 28 26 20
10536980 Dave Progar 12.8 14 12 8
12457092 Scott Reynolds 19.4 21 19 14
1168959 Larry Roth 12.8 14 12 8
10536994 Scott Saber 15.7 17 15 10
11390024 TJ Saxman 22.7 25 22 17
11313387 Austin Schwanke 7.1 8 6 2
10536978 John Schwanke 22.1 24 22 17
10435793 Wesley Schwanke 10.5 11 10 5
11740204 Terry Sedon 21.9 24 22 17
10884473 David Sowers 15.1 16 14 10
10979875 Denny Stewart 14.0 15 13 9
12246581 Rich Stover 15.3 16 15 10
10537098 Tony Stover 20.1 22 20 15
11760804 Mike Suppa 24.5 26 24 19
11891131 Wade Suppa 12.3 13 11 7
11770436 Andy Sveda 14.3 15 14 9
10430422 Bruce Swanson 23.8 26 24 19
10537088 Drew Swanson 10.2 11 9 5
10537026 Roy Swanson 10.7 11 10 5
10430420 Tim Swanson 8.3 9 7 3
10537077 Craig Tidquist 7.4 8 6 2
10872338 Tim Turner 16.7 18 16 11
12214531 Roger VanEvery 13.2 14 12 8
11026520 John Wadding 12.7 14 12 7
12288160 Chris White 21.7 23 21 16
10537027 Jeff White 14.7 16 14 9
11987119 Johnny White 9.9 11 9 5
3026626 Henry Wightman 10.6 11 10 5
10536982 Kyle Wilson 6.0 6 5 1
10537012 Terry Wilson 9.6 10 9 4
2169845 John Wortman 5.9 6 5 1
11498412 Conner Zaffino 4.9 5 4 0
11742794 Kevin Zaffino 18.9 20 18 14
GHIN # Golfer Name H.I. White
11434105 Laura Ahl 40.2 50 41 41
10537096 Grace Backstrom 39.9 50 41 41
10537137 Linda Bajorek 38.9 49 40 40
10537029 Patsy Ball 54.0 66 56 56
10536986 Sharon Birtcil 16.5 23 16 16
10537127 Terry Borger 33.8 43 34 34
10537042 Debbie Borst 25.6 33 26 26
11739868 Theresa Brown 25.8 33 26 26
11797485 Becky Campbell 29.8 38 30 30
10536999 Lisa Christie 21.9 29 22 22
10537000 Rose Colucci 24.0 31 24 24
11954098 Hollie Constable 54.0 66 56 56
10536996 Jill Dart 27.5 35 28 28
12278629 Shelly Darts NH      
11313210 Linda DeFiore 33.1 42 34 34
10979195 Michelle Gray 30.5 39 31 31
11358712 Paulette Grove 14.6 20 14 14
10536987 Barb Hill 18.5 25 18 18
10537111 Gail Kirsch 35.4 45 36 36
10568428 Nancy Larson 31.2 40 32 32
10537054 Mary Mackey 24.7 32 25 25
12197292 Taylor Mineweaser 23.1 30 23 23
10537117 Sally Moldovan 20.6 27 20 20
10537064 Jan Moore 54.0 66 56 56
10537071 Amy Morrison 30.3 39 31 31
10537035 Deb Niederriter 16.3 22 16 16
10537059 Cynthia Paulmier 22.0 29 22 22
10537038 Sue Shea 28.4 36 29 29
10537037 Danell Sowers 23.4 31 23 23
10537009 Lee Spangler 45.6 56 47 47
11770441 Erinn Sveda 39.4 49 40 40
11434499 Karen Turner 43.0 53 44 44
10537125 Young Hui Waite 41.7 52 43 43
1229904 Sue Wenzel 47.3 58 49 49
5257114 Sue Wightman 21.0 28 21 21
10536971 Susan Wilson 31.2 40 32 32